Comment by "Falicity L. Espiritu" about "Why I Can’t Stand With Phil Robertson- by Eric Marcy"

Why I Can’t Stand With Phil Robertson by Eric Marcy

What a well spoken article!!! If only Phil Robertson had spoken in such an eloquent way, maybe it would be easier to support his point of view but it was dripping of hatred, not Jesus's love. I hope people read this article before they are so quick to jump to his defense.

What ever your beliefs, it was how he said them that was wrong. He incited more hatred, which Jesus never would have done. Jesus was about changing the world through love, not causing mass hysteria and hatred. I do not believe that God or Jesus would be happy with what Phil did. And Phil should remember that Jesus will judge us how we judge others. If there is hatred and condescending, then Jesus will judge you by that same ruler.

If you are filled with love for all people and help lead people to God and Jesus one soul at a time, then Jesus will lead you through those gates by that same ruler. But this is just one Mom's beliefs. I will always love my neighbor as I would want to be loved. I would never want to be publicly hated and ridiculed.

I would rather someone take me by the hand and loved in the direction i should go. So that is how I choose to live my life. We are all sinners, that is why Jesus gave his life for us, what ruler do you want to be judged by when you are standing at those gates, love and understanding or hatred and ridicule. Just something to keep in mind for all these people choosing to defend this man's hateful words, as freedom of speech.

Comment by Falicity L. Espiritu
