Demands from those who think their shit don’t stink.

You know when it comes to politics we all have our opinion of how we think things ought to be. Take Facebook for example. Most of us have lots of friends. Friends we know, friends we know who “like” and “share” what we post. Friends who live in the area where we live but we never see them click “like” or “share”, and yet we know they are there and so are we. Then all the friends who are on our friends list from all over the country and world that somehow ended up on our friend's list. There are friends who see us through our mutual friends, and on and on it goes to where they sometimes read what we post or comment on.

Majority of the time people read what is shared or passed on by others that are on their friends list without taking a stand or getting upset if they see something they do not agree with or like. And it can work both ways, so the posts or shares are just ignored because sometimes, not always, they may agree with what they read or what was shared and then they may not.

Some of us have friends that go back to our childhood days, Middle School or High School. Some even from our college days that we knew or the fact that we went to the same college or university and that’s where the connection comes in. But as the years have gone by and the less we are in their lives on a daily basis the further distant we become. It doesn’t mean they don’t still love or care about us or that we don’t love or care about them because we do. Like they say sometimes when people get the chance or opportunity to get together again, it is like no time has passed at all between the last time they were together. Except for one thing, we are all a little older and getting a little older and in some ways, we change as time goes by. We try not to let on that we have changed, we all do but we all know that’s the truth and part of life itself.

What bonds us together is the past memories of the good and bad times we as family and friends shared together in the past. But as time goes on and we change by way of age and maybe even politically, we do not see eye to eye on the same things anymore. Where at one time, we might have. In fact, we may see something on a family member’s or friends FB page and be offended by it and may not agree with it. We may even be tempted to speak up about it, on their timeline to point it out in some cases.

Danger, Danger Will Robinson…

You take your chances. We all need to remember it is their timeline, not ours. But sometimes we take that extra step to do it anyway. If it is done tactfully, it should not be a problem. But if it turns into a conquest of, “I am right and you wrong”. Then most times it goes in a direction that neither one really wanted to happen, but it does and did. Where one person is now all of sudden ranting all over your timeline for no other reason except, they are angry now. Not so much at you, as they are about the situation or difference of opinion or the hatred they have for someone, that they hate at all cost and then the rant ends up being directed, towards you. And in doing so, they are disrespecting the very nature of it, it is your timeline, not theirs, after all.

When you say something on their timeline or them something on yours. You are both left with a choice at this point. You can let them know you do not allow rants on your timeline or you can ignore it and let it continue, or they can defriend you or you can defriend them. Or Block them forever! Those are the options, we all have.

Now in some cases it may be just someone who went to the same school you did and you really did not know them at all anyway. And they never knew you or you them on a social basis. Then, it could be someone you grew up with and have a history. Then, it could be someone you know in your present life, but you do not really socialize with each other. You just live in the same town and may cross paths, once in a while, and, that’s about it. Then, it could be somebody that knows you, but you don’t know him or her. Then, it could be someone you have never met at all and more than likely, never will in this lifetime.

Some people will allow others to have debates in a civil manner, as long as it doesn’t turn, ugly, without defriending the people they are debating, on their timelines. Then, there are still others who demand, you do not allow them to see certain things, that offend them, that comes across on their news feeds. Or, you notice and read a rant on their timeline that gives you a better indication, as to the kind of person, they really are and what they really think about others, they disagree with politically. Caps and all.

For me in all the years I have been on facebook, I allow people to make comments on my timeline, as long as it doesn’t turn into a rant or they become insulting remarks and make demands, they do not have the right, to do. But for some reason, they seem to think, that they do. Then, I put a stop to it, or I usually allow them to be the one to defriend or block me first. That makes it easier, that way if, they do it first, it is not my problem, but theirs. Or I just block them and that is all there is to it. Done. Simple. And I don't think twice about it.

Once they have defriended you, or you blocked them, you then can feel better that the problem was theirs and not yours. I even told a long time childhood friend, after she threatening to defriend me. Go ahead! I don’t take threats from anyone, even someone, I may have known for most of my life, but just have not been around them personally, in decades. Nor will I allow rants from people, who I only went to the same high school, as they did.

Finally, I will not take being ordered to see to it, that whatever I post, or share on their news feeds, needs to be according to their standards, of how they want to see things, and if they see things that offend them, they will be upset. They want me to make sure, they do not see such things on their timelines, that I share with others on mine. Not going to happen. If they don’t like what they see, then it is time for them to defriend me. But in some cases, that may not be possible. So you have to take the step that will make it easier, for both of you. You defriend or block them without a warning or saying a word. You just do it and they will know, as well you do when they have been defriended or blocked.

Then, there are others that demand you do not post their name on your timeline when you are trying to tell a story from your point of view. So, they know you are not going to listen to their demands anyway, even if they threaten you with legal action. And that is another issue and subject and topic for another time.

And last but not least, those that do make comments on your timeline, but they demand your entire attention and time. No matter what you say, or if you make a reply to their comment. They are always correct and right and you are always wrong no matter what. And if you write something, share or post it where they feel offended by it or do not agree with it, they demand an apology from you for insulting them as an American. They claim they are and you are not an American. They want to come across as superior to you and you have to answer them according to the way they think. In fact, they demand you answer to them or you need to apologize to them, for your way of thinking. because it does not agree, with their way of thinking. These same people, who demand from you, what they would not demand from themselves, are nothing more than the hypocrites, they accuse others of being.

To sum it up in a nutshell for me, as I have no problem if people want to make comments on my timeline, as long as they do it, respectfully. And I, in turn, do the same on their timelines. It’s called mutual respect. It takes a lot to piss me off to defriend someone. But I have twice lately in the last month. But if they defriend me or block me, then that is their right to do it as it is mine.

However, no one demands me to gear my timeline to suit their opinion, on the things they do not like according to their standards, not mine, and I will not allow it to happen, or go on. I will also not be insulted on my timeline, without eventually defriended them, or block them, no matter how long I have known them, in real life, at a distance, to have never met them or even locally or near-by, if that be the case. There comes a time, when enough, is enough, and they are history. Bye, Bye. See ya!.

Have a good day!

James C. Garland
