Will Jerry Brown run or not for a second term as Governor

“A California Field Poll is full of good news for Democratic Governor Jerry Brown. Republicans on the other hand, have little to celebrate, given that the poll shows the Republican gubernatorial filed getting annihilated by Brown. Brown leads all three hypothetical Republican opponents combined by a 52-23 margin. While Brown tallies 52 percent support from California voters, Republican Abel Maldonado is the GOP’s leading candidate polling just 11 percent.”

“He not only silenced the critics, he won them over by doing what few thought possible: He restored fiscal stability, erased a deficit, reformed our school funding system, created jobs and led the way on climate change. It’s entirely understandable that people prefer continued strong, effective leadership instead of abruptly turning California over to the tea party.”

“Republicans face a daunting task in trying to unseat Governor Brown. The political environment could change in the eleven months between now and November 2014, but right now Governor Brown appears borderline invincible if he decides to seek re-election.”

Jerry Brown Soars to Record Approval Rating and Enormous Lead Over Republican Challengers

What does this mean to all of us on a local level in Tulelake if Governor Jerry Brown were to be reelected again or not elected if he decides not to run for re-election?

Now here is the question?

What do you think? Will he run or not run? What are his chances of winning or losing in the next election for governor for the state of California?
