Martin O’Malley Calls Trump An ‘Immigrant-Bashing Carnival Barker’ in Debate

The second Democratic primary debate held in Des Moines, Iowa, pulled in a respectable audience of 8.6 million viewers to CBS on Saturday. The debate, which included Hillary Rodham Clinton, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and former Maryland governor Martin O'Malley, was also streamed by 1.2 million viewers on CBSN, the digital video news service operated by CBS News, a record for the one-year-old enterprise.

National Security was one of the main topics at last nights debate with the democrats. With the news of the recent Paris attacks fresh on everyone's mind. It did not take long for the difference to arrive and who to blame for the attacks. The war in Iraq was the blame, as well as George W. Bush for sending troops there after 911.

France has not been attacked like this since WWII according to most recent reports. It was Frances 911 attack. As the night wore on the subject moved to other issues and disagreements. With claims that Hillary Clinton has had ties with wall street and her emails were bought into light once more.

Both Sanders and O'Malley seized on the foreign policy discussion to criticize Clinton for her vote in support of the Iraq War when she was in the Senate.

"I would argue that the disastrous invasion of Iraq, something that I strongly opposed, has unraveled the region completely and led to the rise of al Qaeda and to ISIS," Sanders said. 

O'Malley argued that the problem wasn't simply limited to Clinton's vote for the Iraq invasion, pointing to "cascading effects" that followed.

Clinton, meanwhile, is certain to be criticized for pointing to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, in defending her acceptance of Wall Street contributions.

"I represented New York on 9/11 when we were attacked. Where were we attacked? We were attacked in downtown Manhattan, where Wall Street is," she said. "I did spend a whole lot of time in their effort to rebuild. That was good for New York, it was good for the economy, and it was a way to rebuke the terrorists who had attacked our country."

Then there was Martin O'Malley's breakout moment with rounds of applause with calling Donald Trump An ‘Immigrant-Bashing Carnival Barker’ during the Debate.

Which did not take long for Donald Trump to refer to Martin O'Malley as being a clown on Twitter. Where it seems most of GOP canidates took to Twitter to make their comments during the debate.

James Garland
